Gourmet Kebabs

A great new modern twist to the traditional Kebab.

The gourmet kebabs adds a whole new dimension to the Kebab with its gourmet selection of ingredients. 

Kebabs are served in fresh Turkish bread pockets (or wrap bread if requested) where you can select your filling options from either Felafel, Doner, Lamb or Chicken and then select your style from one of our set menu options which includes ingredients such as roasted capsicums, chargrilled egg plant, guacomole, jalepenos, sour cream, taboulie, fetta cheese and more. When complete the kebab is toasted until golden brown and served up in a plate, mmmmm delicious.

Gourmet Kebabs in Turkish bread

Gourmet Kebabs from Gourmet Kebabs

Gourmet Kebabs